Structural and Energetic Degradation of Water
Tap water is far from its natural state.
Domestic tap water originates from natural water sources that include mountain springs, glacier melt, rivers, lakes, and deep underground reservoirs. Typically, city and town water supplies are stored in large tanks and reservoirs and chemicals such as Chlorine (Cl), Fluoride (F) and other “treatment agents” are added to remove bacteria and viruses.
These substances, along with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), negatively affect the natural restorative properties of the water. Even when filtered out, the information from these substances remain stored in the water’s molecular structures.
High-pressure pump systems then force the water to travel in long straight pipes with sharp turns, which is contrary to the very nature of water. This adds to the degradation of water, making it unstructured and causing imbalance in its energetic qualities.
Ultimately, this means that we consume low-energy water that actually REDUCES energy in our body, which hampers optimal absorption and hydration of our cells.
Water absorbs information through physical contact with substances:
for example, through medication (contraceptive pills, antibiotics, etc...).
Water can also absorb information without physical contact,
for example through radiation or human emotions.
(see the pioneering research of Dr. Masaru Emoto)
Crystal Photography
Crystal photography is a technique in which water is frozen and microscopic photographs are then taken. There is a demonstrable relationship between water quality and its crystal form.
- With tap water, the water molecules are in most cases unstructured and therefore do not form symmetrical crystals.
- With Living Water, the crystals formed are beautiful and symmetrical.
Below are images showing the structure of distilled water.
We were very impressed by the beautiful images that show how the VORTEXèr produced Living Water in such a perfect hexagonal “snowflake” shape.
Water Crystals Digitally photographed by Ernst F. Braun & Sarah Steinmann from Wasserkristall in Switzerland. March 2020)
Distilled water before running the VORTEXèr

Distilled water after 3.20 minutes in the VORTEXèr

Distilled water after 7.30 minutes in the VORTEXèr

Bovis Scale: The Measure of Vitality

The Bovis scale is a frequency scale that measures the vitality or life force of an object or substance, also known as Life Energy, Chi or Prana .
All living organisms have Bovis energy, including the air around us, inside and out.
The intensity of the rays or vibrations, of a place, plant or object can be measured using a dowsing pendulum. The Bovis scale utilises the knowledge of electromagnetic wavelengths and specifically the wavelength of red light which is in the region of 6,500 Ångström units.
The wavelength of one Ångström is one ten-millionth of a millimetre. However, since the biometer measures subtle energy and not wavelength, the units of measurement were named after André Bovis.
When comparing freshly harvested vegetables and wilted vegetables, for example, it becomes clear that the fresh ones have more vitality or higher Bovis Units.
These are units of **vibrational quality** of whatever is being measured

What are Bovis Values or Units?
In simple terms, Bovis values measure the “energy charge” of an object or place.
Bovis Units (BE), are the measure of the vibrational state of matter. These values are determined using a pendulum or Biotensor.
- A low Bovis value indicates that a product or living being is less vital.
- A high Bovis value indicates that an object or place radiates life-enhancing energy.
This is particularly important as it is said that places or things with high Bovis values can strengthen people energetically.
Put simply, the Bovis values can be regarded as energetic “PH values”. Instead of measuring the acidic or alkaline state, they indicate whether something is releasing or absorbing energy.
Strictly speaking, everything that is below our own vibration draws energy from us, as our body then compensates for the deficit.

Everything is Energy...
The Bovis scale is a measure in Bovis units and not a measure of Ångström units. The only connection to Ångström units is the “base” point of 6,500 Ångström which corresponds to an average healthy value. This point corresponds to the wavelength of red light. That is the only point on the scale remotely related to Ångström units.
In other words, using the Bovis scale and a pendulum, a reading of 1,000, 10,000, 18,000 or whatever – does not correspond to units of wavelength in Ångström. It should also be noted that the Bovis scale is not at right angles or at any angle to the electromagnetic spectrum.
- Healthy people typically have values between 6500 and 8000 Bovis units, with young people often reaching the higher value.
- Foods above 6500 Bovis, such as fresh fruit or organic vegetables, supply the body with energy.
- Foods below 6500 Bovis, such as coffee or fast food, deprive the body of energy.
Bovis energy is measured in 1000 units.
From 0 to 1 million in graduations of 500. For convenience, 1K to 1000K